Sunday, November 1, 2009

Follow up on Community Garden

Well, I spoke with the superintendent at the Dillingham City School District, who informed me that she discussed the community gardening idea with the City of Dillingham.  After their discussion, they essentially decided that it was not something that they wanted to participate in, and recommend that I pursue the idea with Grandma's House, an assisted living located downtown. 

Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed that the school didn't want anything to do with a gardening project, as I think it would be a tremendous asset to the school.  However, the manager at Grandma's House was very encouraging and seemed genuinely excited. 

I sent a letter to Grandma's House with a brief proposal of the idea, and am in the process of writing follow-up letters to both school principals, the superintendent, and the City Planning Office.  I am attempting to remove some of my feelings of disappointment from the letter, and to keep the process positive. 

I will be posting updates to this blog as the project transpires. 

1 comment:

  1. Keep at it. There is an interest in the community, but I know too often local governments get all sorts of "free" stuff that then they are expected to take over or support.

    The senior center there has been growing in raised beds. Have you talked to the tribal council?
