Monday, November 30, 2009

Dillingham planting goals 2010 growing season

Although there is about a foot of snow outside on the ground, with the solstice coming up and the inevitable lengthening of days, the middle of winter seems like as good a time as any to memorialize some goals about the upcoming planting season.

Jerry Liboff, my friend since I was a small child, has generously given us permission to put in a garden at Liboffville. Here's what we had in mind:
Potatoes - 150 plants
Kale - 40-60 plants
Turnips - 50 plants
Beets - 50 plants
Rutabegas - 50 plants
Lettuce and mesclun salad mix - one 4x10 foot plot

Because we are going to have to build the soil all in one year, we were going to introduce lime to the soil, and incorporate the existing organic material into the land as soon as the weather thaws the plants and topsoil enough to cut them and work them into the topsoil. Jerry has offered to purchase a used roto-tiller, but it probably won't arrive until late April or May. So, we will be reduced to good, old-fashioned hand tools, such as shovels, rakes, and hoes.

We will also be making some starters indoors, such as cabbage starters and perhaps broccoli.

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