Climate Change as a Tool for Increased Inter-Governmental Cooperation - written for the Bristol Bay Times 11/26/09 issue
In 2007 a storm hit the town of Kivalina. Half the town decided to self-evacuate due to the storm surge. This prompted the State to form a working group into action on this issue. The State of Alaska Sub-Cabinet on Climate Change consists of the following groups: 1) Immediate Action Work Group, 2) Mitigation, 3) Adaptation, and 4) Research Needs. Now, there are six communities that the Immediate Action Group is working with - Kivalina, Koyukuk, Unalakleet, Shaktoolik, Shishmaref, and Newtok. The strategies of the Sub-Cabinet include: 1) building the state’s knowledge of the actual and foreseeable effects of climate warming in Alaska; 2) developing appropriate measures and policies to prepare communities in Alaska for the anticipated impacts from climate change; and 3) providing guidance regarding Alaska’s participation in regional and national efforts addressing causes and effects of climate change. I learned about this group and a number of other agencies and collaborative efforts during my recent Alaska Community-Based Climate Change Adaptation Outreach Program training held in Fairbanks November 16-18.
In Alaska, we are already starting to see the impacts of climate warming, such as coastal erosion, increased storm effects, sea ice retreat and permafrost melt. Shishmaref, Kivalina, and Newtok have already begun relocation plans. The Army Corps of Engineers has already identified over 160 rural communities threatened by erosion. This number doesn’t include those villages that may be potentially affected by flooding.
So, how do we protect our communities from some of the more drastic and immediate effects of climate change that could potentially force us from our homes? The question needs to be asked at the local and regional level, and involve many key players at the discussion. The Marine Advisory Program can facilitate a climate change adaptation planning session. This could be an important component of a village or city’s comprehensive community long-term strategic planning process. If you are interested in this process, please contact your local MAP office.
Some issues, such as ocean acidification are so large and global in nature, that individuals are really going to need to put pressure on our leaders at all levels – local, regional, state and international, in order to mitigate and attempt to reverse current trends. Because ocean acidification is such a huge issue, and involves the future of our sustainable fisheries, this will be a topic for another article – so stay tuned for that article.
While most people view potential effects of climate change as detrimental to Alaskan communities, there may also be potential opportunities. One of the industries that will likely see great strides is agriculture. As Alaska warms and permafrost in the southern portion of the state diminishes, we will see a longer growing season and increased yields. Additionally, as some of the lower-48 croplands shift from food production to production of biofuels, the itinerant rise in food costs may coincide nicely with more local food production, and, lower costs of locally-grown foods. Another opportunity may exist for Alaska Native Corporations to participate in carbon sequestration programs on their lands through planting of trees and other efforts to “capture” atmospheric carbon, generating carbon credits that can then be traded on an international carbon exchange.
For more information, go to: If you would like more information on climate change and what it could mean to your community, or if you would like a community-based climate change adaptation workshop in your community, feel free to contact me at or (907) 842-8323.
[1] Stefan Lovgren, Climate Change Creating Millions of "Eco Refugees," UN Warns (National Geographic News, Nov. 18, 2005).
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