Thursday, May 19, 2011

Indoor photos, but outdoors activities

Tonight was so much fun! A group of us went over to Liboffville to work on the pseudo-community garden over there. Our family (Chet, me, Noah and Lovina) arrived on the scene, with shovels, a rake, and gardening tools in hand, ready to get to work planting. Then, Lilly and Aria showed up - woo hoo! It was definitely a garden work party with those ladies. The kids had a great time, and we actually got a lot of work done. Chet and our garden helpers Lilly and Aria moved the compost bin to the perimeter of the garden (to prevent dogs and other pests from trampling through the garden to sniff something out). Lilly, Aria and I planted several more rows of veggies - turnips, beets, beetberry, radishes, and arugula. We've still got about 3 more rows to plant, and, of course, the back portion of the garden that we cleared this spring. That will be challenging! But, with the introduction of a Mantis roto tiller purchased by Mike Davis, the tilling part should go pretty quick. The garden extension is about as big as the garden that we put in last year, probably about 30 x 40 feet. Should be enough potatoes for 5-6 households this year. Last year we had enough potatoes for about 3 households.

I'm glad that I like the taste of salmon and potatoes, because if the cost of oil continues to rise and food prices follow suit, that might be our best option here in Southwest Alaska. I'm glad that we have access to Jerry's yard and have had the opportunity to grow a nice vegetable garden there.

On another note, here are some pictures of my indoor tomato plants, already bearing fruit! My secret? It's my free fertilizer source, of course! My kids simply pee in a bucket (they love it) and I dilute it down to about 20 parts water to one part pee. Don't be bothered by the human pee ick factor. Simply look up the main ingredient in Miracle Gro sometime - yep, urea. That is the chemical in pee. Plants love it.

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